buBbLeS iN mY heAd

Monday, April 03, 2006

big pimpin'!!

pimping n ho'ish??

everyone was just sooooo comeeelll last friday at adi's!!!was so fun to see evryone dressin up n havin fun....some people were up to playin their part as well eh??
(not sayin whoooo.....;P) best thing was,everyone was there!!thanx adi,hardesh n shinday (i swear i dunno how to spell la..) for throwin such a great housewarming...

definitely will try gettin some pictures to post up (if i can remember whose camera it was that i was simply snatching from....teehee..)but thanx to people wif the cameras (han,i definitely remember u were one of 'em...tq) had to say, i was quite 'uninhibited' dat nite....thanx to some people (again,not sayin whoooo...)been a looong time since i went to a great house party and last friday was awesome people....just the right dosage to get me outta a very stressful state at the moment... laff u guys!

now back to the 'not so pimpin stuf'....woke up at 7 AM, went out of the house at 8.15 ish AM....who woulda thought that i'd be stuck in a fcuking jam that was the whole reason that i was late for my class....a class that i find very very very very hard to wake up to....BAD KARMA!!!plus, all the lori panjang panjang were pissing me off wif their tayar besar, pushing me off MY LANE!!! ~sigh.....didn't know it was stressful to drive anywhere outta asia as well... :(

nways,exam's in a week...seriously need to do some studying...blergh...

my gigolo was superhot last friday!!!hehehehe....


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