buBbLeS iN mY heAd

Thursday, November 10, 2005

this delicate heart that dwells within me~

do feelings really spark from this heart of ours? it's really funny that this thought has been stuck in my head since yesterday. it's funnier that it was sparked by a sarcastic remark of an acquaintance of mine (in a very randomly incited conversation). i mean, not that i haven't thought of it before but this time around it's different.....

"what is love? how do u science people define that??"

hhmm...considering that i've been into sciences my whole schooling existence, it is fair to say that i am one of those science people. love, sadness, bliss, heartbroken.... it's a common connotation, "feelings and the heart". but really, in the "science world" the heart just functions to pump blood throughout our whole body, maintaning our other bodily functions. now how in the world can pumping blood be related with the state of being happy or sad?

i once read an article on the correlation of feelings and the heart. there is none.....our feelings are the result of our perceptive sensory inputs, which means that it comes from our thoughts and views of the surroundings that we see and touch and smell....our feelings also has an association with our past experiences....so, in that way, it wouldn't be wrong to say that we can TEACH feelings, rite? being a baby, growing up, it wouldn't be such an impossible and ridiculous thing as teaching the baby how to feel and respond to all the bodily experiences that he or she may haf during its course of growing up.

hhmm....if only it was that simple.....

our own feelings are also dependable on the feelings of others around us. and THAT would be out of our control, wouldn't it? humans, whew....such dependable creatures....we depend so much on others to tell our feelings, to confirm our feelings, to seek a justification for our feelings.... are our feelings as REAL as it seems to be??

does the grey sky really meant to imply sadness and depression? does the soft white satin really meant to imply purity?? i've got to say, the people who made those connotations, bravo.... coz it has been the general stereotyped associations that everybode seemed to make....the hippies wore colourful rainbow-ish colours to say they are happy (high) people....the goths wear black dark colour to say that they are somewhat depressed with the world and way things have been made out to be....

ok now back to the question...how do we science people define LOVE? isn't that a toughie...


i guess, it is fitrah manusia to want to love and be loved in return (don't we all??) before all that, the attractions that we do feel towards the other person, scientifically, it is called the chemistry between the two. it has to do with the fact that our body does produce a certain chemical, pheromones i think...(maybe..), that causes us to be attracted. BUT, i would say it's different with love....when people love, they want to give and give and give. they want the security, the trust, the life of togetherness.....
and that's why


the heart brings life to our body...when we love, don't we share our lives together with that special person? the coming together of two hearts pumping life through two persons bodies, while produsing pheromones.... that's really something huh?? well, i guess that's LOVE...in very very simple terms....

well then...how do u mend a broken heart?
that's another question altogether now.....


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